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Success Story - Cindy Cappia - Mazars #1




➡️ Dans cette interview, découvrez en anglais le parcours de Cindy Cappia, qui a débuté en tant que stagiaire au sein de Mazars en Afrique du Sud. 

Malgré des défis d'adaptation, Cindy à fait preuve d'une évolution rapide à l'international. À son retour en France, son expérience lui a offert des responsabilités nationales tout en s'impliquant au sein des institutions internationales. 

Aujourd'hui, son rôle est de développer la position internationale de Mazars en France.

A bit about your background?

With a master’s degree in B2B Management at the Toulouse Business School, I am currently Project Manager within the Stream International team at Mazars in Paris. Before joining Mazars in France, I worked for 5 years at Mazars in South Africa as a Marketing and Business Development executive. I also had the chance to leave in different countries during my scholarship (US, Chile, and Spain). 


Why did you want to do a VIE?

After a 6-month internship and two years of local contract at Mazars in South Africa, my manager offered me the opportunity to change for a V.I.E. contract so that I could be reattached to the French system and benefit from all the advantages (ex: health insurance, accommodation, flights, etc.). This was also interesting for Mazars in South Africa because they could offer me a better package for the same costs as there is no tax on allowances with the V.I.E. contract.


Why Mazars and why this country?

I was looking for an internship in an English-speaking country and had the chance to discuss with a partner from South Africa who was looking for an intern to develop the French Desk locally. I took the opportunity as it was matching my expectations, even though I did not know anything about South Africa and hadn’t considered this country before. 


What did you do and learnt during the experience?

Working for Mazars in South Africa was a real career booster as I was able to evolve very quickly and to take many responsibilities at national level. I started as an intern to develop the French Desk and became in charge after few years of the national BD and Marketing strategy alongside my manager. Moreover, I had the chance to participate regularly to networking events and be in contact with the top management of French companies in Johannesburg. I also took responsibilities within international institutions as I was the Secretary of the Alliance Française and the Treasurer of the Belgian Chamber of Commerce. Finally, it gave me the opportunity to really understand how the international diplomatic and economic ecosystems works by working with the different institutions such as the Embassies, Chamber of Commerce, Trade agencies, etc.


What are the challenges you might have faced?

One of the main challenges was to understand the way of leaving in South Africa when I first arrived. There are many differences with Europe that are mainly due to insecurity, and it took me a while to adapt and feel at home. 


Do you have a funny anecdote to share?

One day, as I was attending an event of the Spanish Embassy, I spent a long time discussing and sharing drinks with a very nice guy. This person went towards the stage as they announced the opening of the speeches, and it took me a few seconds to realize that it was actually the Ambassador of Spain in South Africa.


What did you do after your VIE? 

I shorten my V.I.E. contract as I was offered a position in Paris to develop the international position of Mazars in France within the “Stream International” team. Part of my responsibilities is to generate new cross-border business, promote international Mazars network by facilitating strategic partnerships with key players in French economic diplomacy and boost the international mobility of talents.


Why did you decide to stay at Mazars?

One of the reasons I am still working at Mazard today is that there has always been an opportunity for me to grow since I joined the firm. Indeed, I took many new responsibilities over the years and constantly learnt new things. Also, I have extended my network and have been collaborating with colleagues from all over the world on a day-to-day basis. The most important factor for me is to be part of the Mazars international network and be able to move to other countries and discover new offices and cultures.  

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